Introduction how to Exploit JWT
Introduction how to Exploit JWT
Authentication and authorization make developer overthinking
how to implement it correctly without any fear here came frameworks to recuse
developer framework like Oauth and OpenID that control on both process (authentication
& authorization) in these frameworks you could find new concept it’s JWT
that is part of modern authentication frameworks used instead of cookies to
keep track user session as we know http stateless protocol.
Json Web Token (JWT) is standardized validated and encrypted
container format that is used to transfer information between parts.
The container format in definition refer to JWT structure,
jwt has parties of information that must send with each message , jwt it’s base64 encoding message consist of
three parties Header , Payload and Signature each parts separated by dot ( . )
Header this part use to describe cryptography algorithm use
with jwt and encode as json and then base64
{ “type”:”jwt”, "alg":
"HS256" }
Payload this part include all user interesting
data and encode as json and then base64
{ "is_admin":
"false", "username": "guest"
Signature this part
use to validated jwt message send by client validated by server by calc HMAC of
payload with secret key
{“sign” : ”<base64>”}
After we how jwt structure now we will see how to combine
all these part
JWT= (base64url(header)) (dot) (base64url(payload))
(dot) (base64url(Sign))
The process
of jwt Serialization consist of encoding
header , payload and signature with base64url.
Base64url it’s variation of base64 that use URL safe _
instead of + and / .
the process
of jwt deserialization consist of decoding header, payload and signature with
base64url and extract algorithm from message and calc signature then compare it
with that found in message if equal then pass decode payload to fetch resource.
Security vulnerabilities
As we
know jwt token it has signature calc to
prevent it from tampering here came two ways to calc signature first it’s use secret key (symmetric) , second use private key to create signature
and public to verify it (asymmetric) we going to explore each type and each
Symmetric (secret key)
This type of
calc signature its vulnerable to expose secret key when jwt token must send to
3-party , the 3-party must have copy of secret key and it’s has problem with
revoke key if want update key the secret key must update on every instances
that use it , in this type of sign you could recognize it with HS in alg value in header part.
vulnerability with this type of sign that you could change alg value
in header part to none algorithm and leave out the signature.
{ "alg": "none", "type": "JWT" }
Asymmetric(public & private key)
This type of
sign fixed two problems with Symmetric key like using single key and share it
and second problem is key revoke this fixed with share public that make no
matter if revoke happen or not because jwt has different type of claims as
mention on RFC 7519 these claims use to control how to invoke key management in
jwt those claims add in header part , claims like x5u claim intended to hold public key in
format of an X509 certificate , jku claim
is intended to hold URL which point to file contain key in json format
and finally jwk this
claim design to hold public key in jwt and make every 3-party work with public key to verify token.
This type of
sign you could recognized it with RS in alg
value in header part.
This type of sign has security vulnerability
in order to exploit it must do this steps:
Frist change
RS to HS (RS256àHS256)
Second get
public key and use it to sign token
(asymmetric) private use to sign toke and public to verify token but when we
change it to
HS(Symmetric) now verify
token using public key as secret key.
Exploit JWT
you need
1- write python script encode and decode JWT
2- burpsuite
Change HS256 to none
In this scenario we have login page that let you login as
guest by click on login as guest when you login as guest there jwt token send
to you in cookie header but we want to login as admin here come magic by decode
jwt and change alg to none and username to admin and encode it again in this scenario
we use burp suite as proxy and python script to decode and edit jwt and encode
it again
2- login as guest
3- View jwt token issue
in cookie header
4- Use python script to
decode jwt
5- Edit jwt and encode
it again
6- Send jwt in cookie
7- Login as admin
soon they will be challenges in JWT combine with SQi,XXE,POI,command injection
thanks for reading
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